Flowers That Can Take Full Sun All Day Long

Last Updated on June 2, 2024 by Ellen Christian

Are you wondering about flowers that can take full sun? It’s almost time for me to get back out in the garden. And, I am putting together my garden layout to decide what types of flowers I should plant where.

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Check out my list of hardy plants for full sun. Many are drought tolerant and work well for planters and borders. Enjoy a few of these early spring flowers today.

Flowers That Can Take Full Sun All Day Long

Flowers That Can Take Full Sun

So, are there flowers that can take full sun? Yes! If your yard enjoys full sun, you might be wondering which flowers are ideal for your space. Whenever I shop for garden flowers near me, I look for colorful new flowers to add. 

A full sun garden typically enjoys a solid 8 hours of direct sunlight per day, which not all flowers can handle. When planning your landscape, you want to be sure you are picking plants that can tolerate this amount of sun.

Below, you will find 8 colorful flowers that love full sun, perfect for adding to your garden or landscape this growing season. Check out these outdoor plants that like direct sunlight. These are the best flowers near me. You may have luck with other varieties depending on what zone you live in.

I have divided these 8 colorful flowers that love full sun into two categories: annuals and perennials. Your annuals are flowers that need to be planted from year to year, while perennials can be planted once and will come back on their own.

Depending on how much time you have to invest in your garden, you may wish to opt for one over the other.

Flowers That Can Take Full Sun All Day Long

Planting these colorful, full-sun flowers in your garden can offer many benefits. Here are some of the benefits of planting the colorful, full-sun flowers you see below:

– Full sun annual flowers will attract bees
– Hummingbirds will come to dine on them
– Butterflies will be attracted to these flowers as well!

Let’s take a look at 8 colorful flowers that love full sun, so you can start choosing plants perfect for your full-sun yard now!

Flowers That Can Take Full Sun All Day Long

Full Sun Annuals

So, what flowers bloom all summer in full sun? These are sun loving flowers that will last one season.

You will typically buy and plant plants that survive in full sunlight in the spring, and they will die once the early fall months arrive. You can then remove the flowers at that time and replant new ones the following spring.

Many of the flowers that require full sun are annuals but don’t let that stop you from planting them.

May night sage (salvia) has beautiful purple flower spikes and is very drought tolerant.

pink and red zinnias

1. Zinnias

Zinnias are classic full sun favorite because they come in so many colors and varieties. You can find them in white, pink, purple, and every shade. They are one of my favorite flowering plants for full sun.

Zinnias grow tall, making them ideal for flower borders and cutting gardens. These can be grown from seed, or you can buy them as seedlings from most gardening centers.

These are one of my favorite easy fall sun plants. I love the golds and oranges when they match the changing colors of the leaves.

yellow and orange marigold

2. Marigolds

Marigolds can be found in bright shades of yellow and orange, and offer bright pops of colors to borders, garden beds, flower pots, and window sill gardens.

These are one of the easiest plants that like direct sunlight outdoors. If you’re looking for flowers that love full sun and heat, plant marigolds.

And marigolds can also help keep rabbits out of your garden, so planting them around the perimeter of the garden can be beneficial.

These can be grown from seed, but you can also get them rather inexpensively as seedlings from your local gardening center.

Petunias are flowers that can take full sun all day

3. Petunias

Petunias are popular because they also come in a huge variety of colors, so you can easily match them to your garden’s color theme.

These full sun flowering plants come in pink, purple, red, and even white and do well in hanging baskets and flower pots.

Petunias are best when planted from seedlings from your local gardening center. They are one of my favorite bedding plants for full sun.

Are you wondering about flowers that can take full sun? It's almost time for me to get back out in the garden. And, I am putting together my garden layout to decide what types of flowers I should plant where.

Full Sun Perennials

Now let’s talk about perennials that do well in full sun. When you plant perennials, they will reseed and spread on their own so you don’t need to worry about planting them the following season.

If low maintenance is what you prefer, perennial flowers may be your best best. Here are a few flowers that can take full sun to consider.

pink peonies

4. Peonies

Peonies are such a delicate, romantic looking flower that come in shades of pink and white. The big billowing blooms attract bees and other pollinators, making them ideal for a bee-friendly garden!

Peonies do best when they are planted from mature seedlings found at your local gardening center. If you’re considering colorful annual flowers for full sun, I recommend these.

black eyed susans

5. Black-Eyed Susans

You can grow black-eyed susans from seed or from mature seedlings. The bright yellow and orange blooms with the black center are ideal for cutting gardens and flower beds.

They can really amp up your landscaping and will spread quickly. This is one of the easiest flowers that can take full sun to grow.

pink hibiscus

6. Hibiscus

It is no wonder that hibiscus loves sun, all you have to do is see the bright tropical flare it offers to understand! They are one of my favorite flowers for sunny areas.

Hibiscus does well when planted in pots and containers, making it an ideal patio plant! You can find mature hibiscus plants at most gardening centers in shades of pink, magenta, and even white.

purple coneflower

7. Coneflower

Pollinators love coneflower, and it is quite tolerant of most growing conditions!

These tall flowers are ideal for flower borders and cutting gardens and can easily be planted from seed or seedlings. They spread quickly and will fill a space fast.

Fall Wildcrafting in Vermont

8. Sunflowers

Sunflowers LOVE the sun, hence their name! You can easily plant sunflowers from seed and enjoy 6-8 foot tall blooms in no time.

Birds love sunflowers, and you will love how fun they are to watch mature. They are ideal in cutting gardens, along borders, or can even add a fun element to your basic vegetable garden.
To summarize:

Flowers That Can Take Full Sun All Day Long

Full-sun flowers for pots

These would all look amazing in a whiskey barrel planter.

  • Verbena
  • Hibiscus
  • Petunias
  • Marigolds
  • Begonias

Best full sun summer flowers

As you can see, you have lots of fun and colorful options when it comes to planting flowers that enjoy full sun.

Before you plan your spring gardening layout, consider these 8 colorful flowers that love full sun. These flowers will thrive and flourish with 6-8 hours of sun per day, giving you a colorful show that is sure to entertain you all growing season!

The Best Plants to Grow on a Trellis

Large outdoor plants that like direct sunlight

You can plant these high sun plants around your full sun flowers.

  • Meyer lemon tree
  • Blue Chinese wisteria
  • Bamboo palm
  • Blue fescue

There are lots of plants that can withstand direct sunlight. But, it will depend on what zone you’re in.

Related reading

I hope I’ve given you a few new ideas for plants that need a lot of sun.

If you’d like more gardening inspiration, take a minute to visit DIY Idea Center for National Gardening Month. And be sure to sign up for their updates.

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