Fast Metabolism Diet Plan to Lose Weight

Last Updated on May 30, 2020 by Ellen Christian

Have you heard of the Fast Metabolism Diet plan? As I struggle to drop these last few pounds I’ve somehow managed to gain, I have been learning a lot about different diets.  I prefer diets that I can continue to follow after the weight is gone.  I’m not looking for a quick loss, eat only one food, fasting type diet. I want to help to get back into the routine of healthy eating and exercise. Some days, I am very aware of the fact that I’m not eating the best that I could and I know that my metabolism would certainly work better if I change what I eat.
Fast Metabolism diet

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Fast Metabolism Diet Plan

OK, so some information about the Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie Pomroy.  The basis of the diet is that by eating certain foods and avoiding certain foods you can get your metabolism to work better which will burn off more weight.  Not only will you burn off more weight (along with exercise) but you will also help your body get healthier. I love that the author encourages healthy eating. I recommend that you invest in both the book and the Fast Metabolism Diet cookbook.

You are told to avoid GMOs, heavily processed foods and things like artificial sweeteners and empty calories. You are encouraged to exercise which is very necessary for any weight loss or healthy living program. They also encourage you to drink water – a lot of water. I admit that I don’t like water & drinking enough of it each day was extremely challenging. I don’t think I actually managed to get down enough water on any of the days I tracked.

There are three different phases during the Fast Metabolism Diet.  Each phase lasts 2 or 3 days.  During each phase, you eat and don’t eat certain types of foods.  The foods included in this diet are real foods.  You won’t find any processed foods, sugar-free dessert products, or diet beverages included in the list of allowed foods.

Fast Metabolism Diet Plan to Lose Weight

Phase One

During phase one, you are to focus on eating foods that are high glycemic, moderate protein and low fat.  What does that mean? Just a few examples of food you can eat are brown rice, quinoa, strawberries, lean beef, turkey, and lentils.  What won’t you eat? Notably missing for me are fats and dairy products of any type.

Phase Two

Phase two foods include high protein, high vegetable, low carbohydrate and low-fat foods.  A few examples of allowed foods are leafy greens, lemons, lean beef, tuna, and kale.  A few not allowed foods are fruits, grains, and dairy products.  I think I honestly thought I would die during this phase of the diet.  I am definitely a very carb centered person although I try to choose good carbs.  No carbs or dairy during this phase was not fun. Thankfully, it lasted two days.

How to follow the Fast Metabolism Diet Plan to Lose Weight

Phase Three

Phase three foods include healthy fat, moderate carbohydrate, moderate protein and low glycemic fruit.  Some of the allowed foods include are nuts and seeds, olives, salmon, shrimp, almond butter, raspberries, grapefruit, asparagus, beans, and eggplant.  Not allowed would be many proteins, grains, dairy and the sweeter fruits. You can have moderate amounts of barley, wild rice, etc. during this phase.  I could not eat the sweeter fruits that I typically choose when I’m craving sweets and don’t want to eat a double chocolate stuffed Oreo.  Since I also cannot stand salmon or liver, for the most part, I had a tough time coming up with actual meals during this phase.

My thoughts

I did manage to lose a few pounds following the fast metabolism diet.  I agree that this is definitely a healthy way of eating and exercising.  The book includes menu plans and recipes to help make it easier.  If followed, you should have no problems at all dropping weight and keep it off.  You need to follow the diet exactly and not sneak in foods that are not allowed to feel the full benefits.  Having the cookbook would be a definite plus. Make sure that you look for the Fast Metabolism Diet app as well.

I did struggle with the food choices mostly because giving up carbs completely even for a few days just leaves me feeling not full even though you get to eat a lot of the foods on the allowed list.   I also struggled giving up coffee (which I drink only with creamer) and Diet Coke.  You don’t want to see me without my needed caffeine in the morning. If you have more will power than I do, you should definitely give it a try.

How to use the Fast Metabolism Diet Plan for Weight Loss

10 thoughts on “Fast Metabolism Diet Plan to Lose Weight”

  1. I’m in the middle of week 3, and I am struggling and battling my willpower daily. For the last week or so, I’ve been extremely under motivated. I find myself craving those NOT SO GOOD foods, and look forward to Phase 3! Granted, the hardest part for me isn’t even sticking to the diet, exercising (though I’ve been slacking), but eating consistently every 3 hours,. I don’t plan A WHOLE lot for the diet and that is definitely a must.

    • I totally agree. You have got to plan and make sure you shop and buy foods to keep in the house for you to choose from when making dinner and snacks.

  2. It looks like an interesting book. I have been trying drop weight too. Now that the weather is getting warm, I’ve been taking the dog out for a walk a few days a week going 2 – 3 miles. I did drop 2 pounds this week from having Bronchitis though!! 🙂 I would have a hard time like you giving up the carbs and dairy. I’m sure at some point you are allowed to bring those back into your diet but with moderation?  Thanks for sharing!!

    • Not that I saw while you follow the diet but if you reach goal & want to stop/splurge occasionally I guess that would be an option.

  3. I really enjoyed reading this book, too, and liked the approach of eating healthier to encourage your body to do the work.


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