Romantic Essential Oils

Last Updated on October 1, 2022 by Ellen Christian

Romantic essential oils will help you set the mood for love. Try essential oils for love and romance and see my top 5 essential oils picks.

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If you’re wondering how to reconnect with your spouse, there are lots of ways you can create a romantic mood at home. You may want to check out this Belize inspired Valentine’s Day menu.

Romantic essential oils will help you set the mood for love. Try essential oils for love and romance and see my top 5 essential oils picks.

Romantic Essential Oils

These romantic essential oils can be used in your favorite diffuser. Or, you can use the in massage oil, body scrub, or bath salts.  Either way, the scents will help you relax and unwind so you can spend a special time with your partner. 

Everyone has different favorites when it comes to essential oil blends. Some people love the smell of roses and others prefer ylang-ylang.

If you know that you dislike one of the ones that I mention, then leave it out. It’s not going to put you in the mood if you don’t like the smell. 

To use these oils, you can add them to your diffuser. Or, you can add them to a carrier oil and use them in a roll-on to apply to your wrists or other pulse points. I like to make my own diffuser blends to enjoy them around the house.

You may want to check out these spring essential oil blends next.

bottles of essential oils on the counter

Which essential oil is best for romance?

There are a number of oils that are typically seen as romantic essential oils. You can try them alone or create one of the blends I mention further on. This oil blend is one of my favorites if you want one that is all ready to go.

  • Rose (romance)
  • Ylang ylang (aphrodisiac)
  • Sandalwood (uplifting)
  • Patchouli (aphrodisiac)
  • Clary sage (creativity)
  • Geranium (uplifting)
  • Orange (calming)
  • Cedarwood (aphrodisiac for men)
  • Cinnamon (energizing)
  • Cardamom (warmth and calming)
  • Jasmine (romantic)

Best Essential Oil Book for Beginners to Start With

How do I use romantic essential oils?

All you need to do is to fill your diffuser with water following the instructions included with it. Then, add a few drops of essential oils.

How many drops you use will really depend on the size of your diffuser. You can mix two or three oils together if you like. Or, you can use one. Just experiment until you find the mixture you like best.

Love essential oil blend recipe

This is by far one of my favorite essential oils for the bedroom. 

  • 3 drops Bergamot
  • 2 drops Patchouli
  • 3 drops Ylang Ylang

Bottle of essential oil and bars of natural handmade soap, soft towels in the background.

Uplifting romantic essential oils blend

After a long, difficult day, this diffuser blend is comforting and uplifting.

  • 2 drops Orange
  • 1 drop Cedarwood
  • 1 drop Sandalwood
  • 2 drop Ylang Ylang


Romantic essential oils will help you set the mood for love. Try essential oils for love and romance and see my top 5 essential oils picks.

Essential oils for romantic massage

Massage can be very romantic. And, it’s also a wonderful way to relax at the end of the day. Why not give your partner a massage with this blend of romantic essential oils? You may want to try this massage oil candle.

  • 3 drops Geranium
  • 2 drops Patchouli
  • 1 drop Cinnamon
  • 1 drop Rose

Best romantic essential oils with soaps and lotions

Tropical romance essential oils

What’s a more exotic feeling than a tropical vacation? You may not be able to escape to a tropical island right now, but these oils should help put you in the right frame of mind.

  • 3 drops Orange
  • 2 drops Sandalwood
  • 1 drop Cinnamon
  • 1 drop Jasmine

Romantic essential oils will help you set the mood for love. Try essential oils for love and romance and see my top 5 essential oils picks.

How to use romantic essential oils

One of the easiest ways to use these oils is to add them to your diffuser in your bedroom. Or, you can create a linen spray and sprits the bedsheets. Try to avoid the pillows so it isn’t too strong close to your face.

Of course, you can also make a massage oil by adding these to your favorite massage oil. You can start with this massage oil recipe and just adjust the oils to whichever ones you think you will like the best.

Romantic essential oils will help you set the mood for love. Try essential oils for love and romance and see my top 5 essential oils picks.

Make an essential oil bath

You can also add a few drops of essential oil to your favorite carrier oil and add it to your bathwater. I love using jojoba but you can also use almond oil or even sunflower oil.

Why not light your favorite candle and put on some romantic music while you take a long hot, relaxing bath with your favorite oils.

Can I make these blends ahead of time?

Oils will lose their strength when exposed to air and light. So, I would not make this ahead of time. Just add the drops directly to your diffuser or your carrier oil right before you plan on using them.

More essential oil crafts

4 thoughts on “Romantic Essential Oils”

  1. Love this post!
    I have a blend from Rocky Mountain oils called Love, which is my favorite oil of all. I use it for perfume and it’s really cheery.

    I’m visiting from the Homestead Blog Hop.

    Have a great day!
    Ridge Haven Homestead


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