Fitness Tips for Women Who Have No Time to Exercise

Last Updated on December 29, 2019 by Ellen Christian

Looking for fitness tips for women with no time to exercise? Do you struggle with finding time to exercise each day (or each week)? I admire women who have the time or find time to head to the gym every day, but that just is not me. I have great intentions, but it just doesn’t end up happening. It’s important to me to stay active and be healthy, but finding time in the day to do that is a challenge. There are just too many other things that come first.

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Fitness Tips for Women Who Have No Time to Exercise

Fitness Tips for Women

If that sounds a lot like you, keep reading. I’m sharing a few fitness tips for women who have no time to exercise. They work, at least for me. And, it’s my hope that they’ll work for you as well.

Schedule it

Set a certain time each day or each week to exercise. Do not schedule appointments or commitments during that time. Don’t answer the phone or check Facebook. Just focus on getting it done.  If I don’t dedicate a certain time each day, I won’t do it. Here are some tips for fitting exercise into your day.

Stay hydrated

Don’t forget the water. Before you begin exercising, make sure that you have a bottle of water handy nearby. If you ride a bike, invest in a bottle holder so you always have some on hand.

Fitness Tips for Women Who Have No Time to Exercise

Set realistic goals

While I’d love to work out every single day, I know that with my hectic schedule I won’t.  It’s better for me to plan on exercising three days a week than feel like a failure when I don’t exercise every day. Working out with a friend may help you stay motivated to achieve your goals.

Don’t push too hard

If you haven’t exercised in years, try a brisk walk around the block before you attempt to do a one hour Zumba class.  If you have bad ankles, don’t expect to go on a two mile run around the neighborhood. Pick an exercise that is realistic for your body and your health. It’s important to me to stay active as I age so I try to be realistic about what I can do.

Enjoy yourself

Find an exercise you enjoy. If you hate the gym, find something you can do at home.  If you love to dance, find a dance workout DVD to do at home. Don’t force yourself to do an exercise you do not enjoy or you’ll never stick to it. I’ve been checking out YogaDownload and all of the different yoga classes they have.

yoga supplies

Yoga Download empowers you to practice yoga your way, on your time, wherever you see fit. That means there is no driving to the gym or to a class. You can practice at home at whatever time of day works for your busy schedule. You can choose from classes varying in lengths, yoga styles, instructors, experience levels, meditations, and music. There’s something for everyone no matter what you need.

Here are a few reasons I think YogaDownload is a fantastic resource:

  • Free classes or paid classes or charity classes. Choose which works best for you.
  • Choose the style that’s right for you from beginners’  yoga and kids’ yoga to power yoga and yoga with weights.
  • Pick your music including ambient, meditative, new age or bows & bells.
  • They explain the poses. This is huge in my mind. There are videos and printables for you to refer to.

If you’re new to yoga, the Foundation Flow class is perfect for you. It includes all of the basic foundation poses so you can begin properly by mastering each post. You don’t need any special props for this class although a yoga mat will be helpful for comfort.

Love fitness? Learn how to choose athletic shoes the right way. Or, learn more about when you need extra electrolytes for health reasons. – Stream at home, and Download when you’re on the go!

6 thoughts on “Fitness Tips for Women Who Have No Time to Exercise”

  1. I have always wanted to take a yoga class, maybe this fall. I am working on quitting smoking right now so I can get back at taking my long walks again. I am so ready to get healthy again.


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