Dealing with an Overactive Bladder – 7 Tips

Last Updated on July 28, 2023 by Ellen Christian

Dealing with an overactive bladder is one of the challenges I’m facing as I age along with wrinkles and grey hair. Check out these simple tips.

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7 tips for dealing with an overactive bladder #PoisewithSAM

Dealing with an Overactive Bladder

These are definitely not issues that I’m enjoying but at 47, I guess a few issues are to be expected.  I don’t plan on letting these issues get the best of me.  

Thanks to the hair salon, I can disguise the grey hair with a few fun highlights and anti-aging creams and cosmetics can help with the wrinkles.  Dealing with an overactive bladder and light bladder leakage (LBL) is possible too.

What’s the main cause of overactive bladder?

Involuntary muscle contractions which can be caused by caffeine, nerve damage, or alcohol.

Hydration and Exercise and the Benefits of Hydrogen Water

Can drinking more water help an over active bladder?

The first thing you might think you need to do is to drink less water, but you’d be wrong. Yes, you will have less water and then less urine but the urine will be more concentrated which will irritate your bladder.

That will make you want to go more. What you should do is eliminate alcohol and caffeine. I know. Giving up that coffee will be hard but on days you won’t be near a bathroom much, it’s a good idea.

How do you calm an overactive bladder?

There are certain foods that can make you want to go more.  Eliminate spicy foods, citrus, tomatoes and tomato products and chocolate. Remember, chocolate has caffeine just like soda, many types of tea and coffee.

Make sure that you have healthy bowel habits. Constipation can cause the urge to urinate.  Make sure that your diet includes high fiber foods like high fiber cereal, beans, fresh fruits and vegetables and whole wheat bread.

7 tips for dealing with an overactive bladder #PoisewithSAM

Exercise regularly.  A daily workout plan can help keep you regular which will in turn help with an overactive bladder.  It doesn’t matter what type of exercise you do, just get up off the couch and do it. I love long walks when the weather is nice.  When it’s raining, cold or snowing, I use my stationary bicycle instead.

Lose weight. People who are overweight are more like to suffer from an  over active bladder.  Take steps to lose weight now including eating healthier and making sure you exercise every day.

Quit smoking.  Smoking irritates your bladder muscles and smoker’s cough my cause light bladder leakage.

Be prepared. You may not be able to totally eliminate symptoms of an overactive bladder but by following these tips you should be able to improve them.  To be prepared, I bring a Poise Microliner with me just in case.

To try it for yourself, you can get a free sample of Poise. It’s the thinnest liner available in the light incontinence category from Poise to manage light bladder leakage (LBL) while letting you go about your day without feeling weighed down.

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52 thoughts on “Dealing with an Overactive Bladder – 7 Tips”

  1. I never was aware that these food caused issues.  I love it that you listed them and made me more aware of ways to prevent LBL. 

  2. I always thought that since I had C-sections, I wouldn’t have a problem with this. But no, gravity did its thing. Glad that Poise are discreet and I can keep them in my purse.

  3. Great tips… they sure will come in handy… I’ve bought these liners a few times and let me tell you, they are a life saver, truly my BFF to keep me comfy and dry

  4. These are light enough so that you could wear one on a daily basis and you wouldn’t even feel it or be bothered by wearing it.

  5. Avoiding certain foods is a great tip. I never really thought about how that effects your bladder. 

  6. These are great tips! I know gaining extra weight this pregnancy is going to be the one thing I need to focus on post baby for the sake of my bladder!

  7. I swear by these things. I have them stashed all over the place. I’m pregnant right now, and you just never know. It’s better to be prepared than not. I already have 4 kids so I know about leakage. 

  8. Great tips! I know many moms have issues while exercising. It’s nice to know there is light protection from leakage. 

  9. It’s amazing just how many positive effects exercise has on the body! Definitely another reason to keep exercising! 

  10. Light Bladder Leakage is a real pain. Just sneezing, coughing, or laughing too hard can cause an accident. At least modern technology has brought us Poise Microliners. They are amazing.

  11. Great tips. Overactive bladder is such an annoying problem. Always having to go, coping with leakage. Blech. I never knew that some foods could cause worsening of symptoms. Good to know!

  12. Great tips. I cringed at giving up coffee but I guess I need too. LBL is the absolute worst. I feel like you have to be protected all the time because you never know. Thank you for making a sensitive subject informative. Very much appreciated.

  13. I don’t have leakage issues, but there is a whole group of moms in my zumba class who do & there is always a collective sigh when a song with jumps comes on!


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