How to Sleep For Shoulder Pain for a Good Night

Last Updated on August 28, 2020 by Ellen Christian

Wondering how to sleep for shoulder pain?  Find out how to sleep with shoulder pain and what works for me.

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How to Sleep For Shoulder Pain for a Good Night

How to Sleep for Shoulder Pain

I mentioned that I injured my rotator cuff and have been going to physical therapy for cupping and exercises. Since my injury, I’ve been wondering how to sleep for shoulder pain since I just cannot get comfortable. I seem to have a constant ache in my neck and shoulder no matter how I sleep.

Tips for getting a good night’s sleep

Whatever the cause of your sleeplessness, there are some tips for getting a good night’s sleep that can help. Make sure that you eliminate common causes of restlessness at the same time you are working pain management.

Your bed should be for sleeping.

Don’t watch television, play video games, work or read a book in bed. Your body needs to connect bed with sleep to create a healthy sleep routine. That means that you need to remove your technology to another room or area of the house so your bedroom is as peaceful as possible.

How to Sleep For Shoulder Pain for a Good Night

Limit caffeine.

I know I struggle with this one. There are times I need a cup of coffee after dinner just to get everything done. If you’re wondering how to sleep for shoulder pain, eliminate common causes of restfulness first.

Eat foods that may make you sleepy.

Try those that contain tryptophan (milk, turkey, bananas, oatmeal). Your body converts tryptophan to melatonin which may help you sleep better.

How to Sleep For Shoulder Pain for a Good Night

Make sure that your bedroom is a relaxing place.

Is your room cluttered and chaotic? Your bedroom should be a peaceful and relaxing place to fall asleep. Reduce the clutter and you may find you sleep better.

Make sure it’s not your bed.

Could it be an uncomfortable mattress or pillow that’s keeping you awake instead of helping you sleep? If you’re wondering how to sleep for shoulder pain, comfort is the first step. There are a variety of pillows for shoulder pain and neck pain that may help.

Wondering how to sleep for shoulder pain?  Find out how to sleep with shoulder pain and what works for me.

Why is my shoulder pain worse at night?

If you’re wondering how to sleep for shoulder pain or neck pain, you may be wondering why pain is worse at night. While you’re sleeping, the inflammation in your shoulder can pull at your joint which can cause more compression in areas that are already injured. This pain can radiate into your neck and even down into your arms or hands.

How do you relieve rotator cuff pain at night?

When it comes to how to sleep for shoulder pain, your rotator cuff is a common cause of pain. Try sitting in a reclined position rather than flat on your back. This can also help relieve any neck pain that this is causing.

It may also help to prop your injured arm up with a pillow to reduce the pressure and strain on that side. Remember, don’t try to sleep on your injured shoulder.

PineTales Buckwheat Pillows


How to sleep for shoulder pain at night (relief)

  • The best sleeping pain for shoulder impingement is either on the side that isn’t injured or on your back. If these do not work, try sleeping reclined.
  • A shoulder brace for sleeping may help you get comfortable.
  • You may find shoulder pain relief by using a cold compress or heat therapy.
  • Try using a pillow intended for neck and shoulder pain like a buckwheat pillow from

PineTales Buckwheat Pillows are made in Arizona from high-quality buckwheat hulls. There are a variety of options including a neck pillow made to help with those that have neck and shoulder pain while sleeping.

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1 thought on “How to Sleep For Shoulder Pain for a Good Night”

  1. I definitely feel you on not getting enough sleep – always up late trying to get things done. I did almost put my phone instead of my mug into the microwave the other day for tea – that would’ve been a disaster!


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