Help save the American Mustangs and wild horses

Last Updated on September 5, 2020 by Ellen Christian

Chickens in Vermont

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I grew up in the suburbs of Connecticut.  While I always had a pet, the only exposure I had to other types of animals was in the summer when we’d go to Maine to a campground where my parents owned property or to Vermont to visit my Grandparents. I’ve always felt a connection to a slower paced, rural life. When I was little, I remember filling up my little red wagon with cucumbers from our garden to bring back to the house for my Mom to make pickles.  I remember waking up early at my Grandparent’s house so I could walk across the road with my Grandfather to pick blueberries.  I stained so many t-shirts using my shirt as a bucket for those berries.

Ducks Vermont

One of my fondest memories is of going horseback riding in Maine one summer.  I remember being showed how to approach the horse carefully so I didn’t scare him.  I remember petting him and looking into the most amazingly, expressive big brown eyes I’d ever seen. It was an instantaneous connection that I don’t think I will ever forget.  I knew at that point that I wanted to be able to live somewhere that I could have animals of my own and enjoy a country lifestyle. While I’ve never owned my own horse, we have always had animals to love including bunnies, geese, ducks and chickens. To me, animals are like children.  They need to be protected and taken care of.

save the american mustangs

Save horses

Wild horses are a living symbol of our American heritage and freedom. These Mustangs must be protected. Businesswoman and philanthropist, Madeleine Pickens, is committed to this promise. Through her Foundation, citizens from all walks of life are uniting to create a permanent home, a Sanctuary, to save these magnificent national treasures. I watched a documentary not too long about about the round up of wild horses for slaughter.  It’s being done by our government because they graze in the same fields that cows do that are farmed in the area. There is a proposed round up on August 7th to roundup and remove nearly 600 wild horses from the North Lander Complex in Wyoming. There are only believed to be 750 wild horses living  in the 586-square-mile complex, where the government allows the annual equivalent of more than 3,700 cows to graze!

save the american mustangs

Save the American Mustangs

As if the removal and murder of these poor animals isn’t bad enough,  the government plans test an experimental anti-fertility drug, SpayVac, on captured mares who will be returned to the range. This drug may have serious side effects, including permanent sterilization and serious health problems in these horses.  I am sitting here right now with tears in my eyes over this.  One hundred years ago, there were two million (yes, MILLION) wild horses running free in this country and now there are maybe 28,000. If the government continues to collect and murder these animals, it won’t be long until that number will be zero.  You can help to save the American mustangs.

save the american mustangs

Madeleine Pickens has a vision and a hope to stop this from happening.  She wants to create an Eco-preserve for thousands of these horses.  Madeleine Pickens and the Saving America’s Mustangs Foundation are currently developing Mustang Monument: Wild Horse Eco-Preserve, in Nevada.  This will be a permanent home for these horses where they can be protected and cared for.   Not only will it be a home for these horses, it will be a location for the public to visit, learn about, and appreciate the horses and American culture.   There will be all sorts of activities for children plus guided hikes in the desert and camping in teepees.  There will be a greenhouse, complete with homegrown, organic fruits and vegetables as well.  This is the kind of future that I want these animals and our children to be able to enjoy so we need to save the American mustangs.

She needs your help to save the American mustangs and to make people aware of the situation.  For more information on how you can help save the American mustangs, check out Saving America’s Mustangs. Connect with Madeleine Pickens on Twitter. Like Saving America’s Mustangs on Facebook. Please watch this video and learn more about saving America’s mustangs and wild horses.   Be sure to watch for the Pinterest Party running 08/10/12 through 08/24/12.  Pin for a cause! Join us (08/10/12-08/24/12) for the #SaveAmericasMustangs Party on Pinterest! We’re giving away (2) $200 prizes.

save the american mustangs

Please take a minute to go to the Saving America’s Mustangs website.  From there, you can send a free email to not only the Bureau of Land Management but also to your Senators and Representatives and let them know you oppose the roundup and slaughter of these animals.

Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Saving America’s Mustangs.  #CBias #SocialFabric

15 thoughts on “Help save the American Mustangs and wild horses”

  1. thank you so much for your passion for this cause! Reading that brought tears to my eyes and I’ve been reading pages and pages of information regarding this topic for almost a month now! It just goes to show you how influencial bloggers are- thank you for joining in this cause! 

  2. Pingback: A Pinterest Party With a Cause {Prizes} |
  3. What an amazing cause. I have been following along and Madeleine has such an EASY solution. Why is the government breaking their own laws and fighting her? Thanks so much for bringing this to the forefront! This has to be stopped and we all must step up and save this beautiful creature. This is our heritage and this is something our own children should be able to enjoy and respect!

  4. Have you ever seen two horses playing together?  It an amazing site and something that I never thought horses would do.  I can’t imagine our wild horse population being non-existent and am glad that Madeleine Pickens has taken on this worthy cause!

  5. I agree we need to find room for these lovely creatures.  While the numbers need to be kept in check, they need to be allowed to reproduce reasonably.  I think much of the push to eliminate them is being pushed by ranchers wanting the land for grazing.  This land belongs to all of us and so do the horses.  We should have more of a say in what is done to them.

  6. I rode for years in highschool and still own all my old Black Stallion books. It is truly a shame that these animals have to struggle to survive! Thanks for sharing this!


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