Non Drug Pain Relief to Increase Mobility

Last Updated on September 23, 2020 by Ellen Christian

I have been given this product as part of a product review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own, and I was in no way influenced by the company.

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Have you ever wondered if there is some type of non drug pain relief to increase mobility? One of the first things that people think of when they have pain and stiffness is to take medication. While this is sometimes necessary, it’s also possible to find relief with other methods sometimes. I prefer to exhaust my alternative methods before I reach for medication. Then, if I have to, I can use medication to manage the pain.

Non Drug Pain Relief to Increase Mobility with Arthritis

Non Drug Pain Relief to Increase Mobility

A few years ago, I started noticing stiffness in my fingers on my left hand. I didn’t think much about it at the time, but I noticed that it started getting worse when the weather was cold. In Vermont, the weather is cold a fair amount of time, and I began to see it more and more frequently.  Lately, it’s been affecting how much I can type and since that’s how I make my living, I knew it was time I started to take it more seriously.

One of the first things that the doctor wanted me to try was a medication for arthritis but, for me, that’s the last resort. I experimented with heat which gave me some relief, magnesium rubs which did not work for me, and essential oil rubs which helped sometimes.  Then, I learned about a new type of wearable pain relief device that uses a proprietary eTec™ Pulse Technology. The Oska™ Pulse optimizes Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy to reduce muscle stiffness, temporarily relieve minor pain and increase mobility.

Non Drug Pain Relief to Increase Mobility

The Oksa Pulse is a small device that you can wear (using the belt included) or, in my case, by just placing your hand over it without the belt. It uses four frequencies specifically related to muscle ease, bone repair, capillary dilation and pain reduction. By helping to release the body’s natural endorphins, Oska helps reduce pain, promoting increased range of motion. By dilating blood vessels, it reduces inflammation. The increased oxygen-rich blood flow promotes muscle recovery.

My thoughts:

There are no wires or plugs so I can use this at my desk, on the couch, while I’m traveling or wherever else I need it. Unlike TENS units or heating pads, the unit is inconspicuous and easy to use. I just set it on my desk and rest my hand on it since my pain is in my fingers. The Oksa Pulse pulses blue as it works which lasts for about 30 minutes. It then beeps and turns itself off. You can plug it into your computer using the USB cord provided to charge it.  If you’re an iPhone user like me, you’re in luck because it uses the same USB cable.

Non Drug Pain Relief to Increase Mobility

I’ve been using the Oska Pulse for several weeks now, and I have noticed an improvement in the pain and stiffness in my fingers. One of the good things about this is that you can skip a day without seeing the pain return immediately. This device is a long term solution, so you aren’t going to use it for 30 minutes and see an immediate improvement. But, with continued use, I did notice that my symptoms are better. The worse your pain is, the longer it may take to see results. Now that I’ve seen it works for me, I’m going to have my husband use it on his back and see how it works for him.

The best part about the Oska Pulse is that there is a 90-day free trial so you can see how it works for you. There’s nothing to lose by trying it and everything to gain if it helps reduce your pain. Looking for non drug pain relief? I recommend you try it today. Use the code OVERWORKED and save $50 if you purchase by January 4th, 2017 or save 5% after that date. Follow them on Facebook for more information.


2 thoughts on “Non Drug Pain Relief to Increase Mobility”

  1. I’m glad to read that this device is proving helpful to you. My hubby is having increasing problems with his knees. So far I’ve been lucky on the arthritis front – my pain is in my head. Erm.


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