Herbs with Health Benefits That You Can Grow Yourself

Last Updated on July 8, 2019 by Ellen Christian

Herbs with health benefits can be the answer for you in many cases.  I prefer to use something natural for relief when I have aches and pains before I try an over the counter medicine. Herbs have been used for thousands of years long before traditional medications were available.  Many herbs have more antioxidants than some fruits and vegetables. 

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Herbs with Health Benefits That You Can Grow Yourself

Herbs with Health Benefits

I like that I can grow herbs in my herb garden and have them available when I need them. There’s no trip to the store.  They are relatively inexpensive and I know what’s *in* them since I grow most of them myself. Here are a few of my favorite herbs for health and wellness.

What herbs having healing properties?

Unlike medicine, there are not a lot of scientific studies that prove or disprove whether or not herbs have healing properties. What works for one person may or may not work for another. You will need to try these and see if they benefit you or not.

Herbs with Health Benefits That You Can Grow Yourself

Herbs for health and healing

  • Garlic may provide cancer-protective benefits.  To get the most benefit, let the garlic sit for ten minutes after chopping and before cooking. You can use it in your favorite salad dressing.
  • Oregano has the highest antioxidant activity of 27 fresh culinary herbs. Oregano is great in any dish with a tomato base. People think of oregano as a culinary herb rather than a herb with health benefits.
  • A study in Cancer Prevention Research shows that parsley may help prevent breast cancer.

  • Peppermint soothes an upset stomach. Grow it and dry it to make herbal tea. Try rosehip tea for upset stomachs. If you’re looking for herbs with health benefits that are easy, this is it.
  • Thyme has the second highest amount of antioxidants and is a very good source of Vitamins A and C. It’s also very easy to grow.

  • Aloe Vera is not an herb.  I grow it as a houseplant and love the healing properties. I keep some on hand for minor cuts, scrapes, and burns.
  • Lavender helps with stress and anxiety for some people. It’s one of my favorite purple herbs. You can use it in your favorite bath and body recipe or try it as a tea. This is one of my favorite herbs with health benefits.

  • The golden buds of chamomile are known to help people relax and have been said to help with insomnia. I enjoy chamomile tea before bed.
  • Fennel is another herb with health benefits that is known to help with stomach issues, colic, and constipation. You can buy fennel tea.
  • Lemon balm has been said to relieve stress and tension.  This is another herb that works wonderfully as a tea. Or, buy a lemon balm candle.
  • Sage with echinacea is soothing as a tea when you have a sore throat.

Herbs with health benefits

When you’re planting your garden this spring, consider adding a few of these herbs with health benefits.  Always purchase herbs from a trusted gardener or garden supply store and be certain of what you are growing or preparing before you use it.

Herbs with Health Benefits That You Can Grow Yourself

These herbs grow well for me in zone four in Vermont with the exception of the chamomile which I purchase from our local food coop.  And, you can find it on Amazon. You should use herbs fresh because they retain the most of their goodness in that form. However, you can use them dried as well. Just be sure to buy the highest quality you can find so you get the ost benefits.

Benefits of spices in food

Do you use any of these herbs with health benefits? Are there any herbs for health and healing you use regularly that I’ve forgotten to list? If you’ve heard about the benefit of Indian spices, you may want to learn more about the health benefits of turmeric. There are many benefits of spices in food depending on your taste preferences. Studies have snow that cultures who eat a lot of spicy foods do have lower instances of heart attacks. If that topic interests you, you can learn more about it in this article. I learned they may also be good for fighting depression and stress. I can definitely use a little bit of help there.

2 thoughts on “Herbs with Health Benefits That You Can Grow Yourself”

  1. i have a ton of herbs in my garden. i love being able to walk out and just pick a few things whenever I need them!


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