The Best Plants to Grow on a Trellis

Last Updated on July 23, 2022 by Ellen Christian

I’ve been wondering about the best plants to grow on a trellis. I’d like to create a small prayer garden in the open spot where our weeping willow tree was. I don’t want to have to deal with a lot of weeding so I think that having flowers grow up a trellis would be easiest for me. That way, I can enjoy lots of color without a lot of effort. 

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The Best Plants to Grow on a Trellis

The Best Plants to Grow on a Trellis

There may be two feet of snow covering my gardening right now; but, I am already starting to plan my garden for this spring. While we have a variety of veggies, fruits, and herbs we grow regularly, I love flowers and bright splashes of color scattered throughout the yard.

It just makes me smile to see a bright pink splash of roses or a golden spot of sunflowers. It makes a beautiful spot in your backyard oasis.

Trellises are a handy way to keep vines and plants from tipping over. The garden trellis acts as a support for them to attach to or for you to attach a plant.

purple wisteria on a trellis

Best trellis plants

That way, the flower stays upright so you can see the bloom. A few of my favorite plants to grow up trellises are:

  1. Black-eyed Susan vine
  2. Morning Glory
  3. Garden Nasturtium
  4. Wisteria
  5. Honeysuckle
  6. Lilac Solanum
  7. Clematis
  8. Trumpet Vine
  9. Climbing Hydrangea
  10. Jasmine

There are a lot more plants to choose from but in our zone 4/5 location, my choices are limited. If you live further south than me, you’ll have a much larger choice. You can also grow things like cucumbers and small varieties of zucchini on a sturdy garden trellis as well.

There are a variety of different types of trellises. You can choose a garden arch at the entrance to your garden or along the walkway. Or, you can choose a traditional trellis that is either freestanding or anchored to an outside wall of your garden shed or chicken coop.  Most trellises or arches will need some type of support whether that’s a building or a gate or fence.

yellow flowers growing around a white trellis

Upkeep and Long Term Care

If you plan on anchoring your trellis to the wall of a building, keep in mind that moisture may build up between your plant and the wall. This can lead to mold, mildew, and even rot depending on your climate. You may want to grow annuals so that during the colder season, you can remove the vegetation to allow air to get to the area.

If your trellis is made of wood, it may require upkeep depending on how humid your climate is. If you plan on growing a perennial vine, you might want to use metal or plastic trellis to avoid rot. Consider your options carefully because your trellis could be part of your garden for many years to come.

What are your favorite plants to grow on a trellis?

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10 thoughts on “The Best Plants to Grow on a Trellis”

  1. I am not much of a gardener but I have a good friend who is a master gardener. She had beautiful clematis in her yard and she help me buy a trellis and I ordered a clematis. Even for someone like me it grew beautifully and I live in northern Illinois and have clay soil . It actually overgrew the clematis

  2. I love vines. I stenciled a border of ivy in my kitchen years ago, and really enjoyed it. I think lilacs on a trellis would look and smell great.


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