Wild Mustangs – Take a stand & stop the senseless slaughter today

Last Updated on September 5, 2020 by Ellen Christian

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Save America’s Wild Mustangs

You may remember a few weeks ago, I shared a story with you about about how you could Save America’s Mustangs.  I’ve always felt a special connection to animals and this cause is one that has really touched me and made me want to get the word out about what’s happening.  Right now there are about 30,000 wild horses left in this country.   One hundred years ago, there were two million of these beautiful creatures running wild. If you don’t act now, there will be no more wild mustangs living in our country.

It’s hard to believe for some, but our government is rounding up America’s wild horses and killing them to stop them from grazing on land that the cattle ranchers use for their cattle.  They compete for the same resources and they can’t allow that.  The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is the department in our government that takes care of America’s public lands, totaling approximately 253 million acres. Their mission is to sustain the health, diversity and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.  The wild mustangs are not protected from government (BLM) roundups.  In 1971, the Wild Horse and Burro Act ruled that these animals should be protected under federal law and belong to the American people.  That’s why we need stop this.

  • “These horses belong here. They’re Federal horses. They belong here.” – Madeleine Pickens

Madeleine Pickens has a hope to stop this senseless slaughter from happening.  She wants to create Mustang Monument, an Eco-preserve for thousands of these horses.  Madeleine Pickens and the Saving America’s Mustangs Foundation are currently developing Mustang Monument: Wild Horse Eco-Preserve, in Nevada.  Mustang Monument will be a permanent home for the wild mustangs where they can be protected and cared for.  It will be their home and it will be a place we can go to learn about them.  There will be many learning activities for both adults and children to get involved with.

wild mustang sanctuary

Right now, America’s wild horses are being sold to buyers who slaughter these animals in different parts of the world for money. Recent legislation was just passed that makes it NOT illegal to slaughter horses in the United States. These horses belong to us not to the government.  We need to stand up and make our voices heard by supporting Save America’s Mustangs. Don’t let these beautiful animals be destroyed.   Do something to ensure they’ll be around when our children and our chldrens’ children grow up. There are so many things you can do to help:

Wild mustangs
Please don’t let these beautiful animals spend the rest of their life behind bars waiting to be slaughtered.  Right now there are 45,000 wild horses in federally funded holding facilities where these horses will live the remainder of their lives cooped up if not sold off and shipped to slaughter in the middle of the night.
  • $70 million a year to take care of the wild horse program and the government has no money. The government continues to round up wild horses and yet, our country is in debt. ” –Madeleine Pickens

It only takes a second to do something to help. Tell your friends. Tell your family. Let them know that the wild mustangs belong to all of us and need to be protected. Even if you are not an animal rights activist, think about this.  Our government spends upwards of $85 million per year for the removal and holding of these wild horses!  Yes… $85 million per year!  Madeline at the Mustang Monument could house and care for these horses at almost 4x less the cost and save the American Taxpayer millions each year by doing it.
Saving Wild Horses
Please. Just take one step today to help. Do something before it is too late for us and for them. Help make Madeleine Pickens’ dream a reality.
Saving America's Mustangs

Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Saving America’s Mustangs.  #CBias #SocialFabric

8 thoughts on “Wild Mustangs – Take a stand & stop the senseless slaughter today”

  1. please keep me informed on the progress of saving these beautiful animals, and let me know what more i can do to help. thank you.

  2. Thank you so much for posting this and for providing so many ways to help. I’m amazed that so many Americans don’t even realize that their tax dollars are going to the slaughter of these magnificent creatures. It doesn’t take any money for us to make a difference…just our voices! Thanks for voicing this and encouraging others to do the same!

  3. As an animal lover this is just appalling I hate seeing such beautiful innocent animals mistreated.!

    Willing to do all I can to help this cause, thanks for the easy contact links!

  4. such majestic animals…it would be a horrible shame if humans managed to wipe them out completely. I hope this campaign is effective at raising awareness!

  5. Living here in the SW, we get to see them quite a bit. Absolutely beautiful and majestic!
    Why would you even want to do something so horrendous!! 

  6. It boggles my mind that these beautiful mustangs are being sent to slaughter. I had no idea this was happening! I’m thankful that Madeleine has started this worthwhile cause and think it’s great so many people are backing her up! Thank you for sharing these gorgeous photos!


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