How to monitor your health when you’re busy

Last Updated on September 23, 2020 by Ellen Christian

How to monitor your health when you're busy

How to monitor your health when you’re busy

I would love to be able to figure out how to monitor your health when you’re busy.  A lot goes into it and you need to keep track of how many calories you’re eating, how much sleep you’re getting, and how active you are.  Too much or too little of one or another of these things doesn’t generally make me feel very good.  I’ve tried keeping track of these things in a journal or with a pen and paper but honestly, I end up loosing them or forgetting to write things down. Plus, I find myself guessing how many steps I’ve taken or how many calories I’ve burned. I don’t want to try to keep track of that on my own.

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Wellness Monitor BodyMedia FIT

Wellness Monitor

BodyMedia FIT is an on-body wellness monitor that you wear as an armband.  It has four sensors to gather more data and is the most accurate calorie monitor in the market.   The BodyMedia FIT tracks calories burned, calories consumed, physical activity levels, steps taken, and sleep.  The Bluetooth enabled model that I received can be paired with a smartphone in a matter of just a few minutes. Once your armband and smartphone are paired and synched, you can use them both together to track your wellness.  BodyMedia FIT captures each activity’s calorie burn accurately and automatically.  You enter your food eaten and the BodyMedia FIT will give you a breakdown of calories burned and the quality of your diet.

I found the BodyMedia FIT to be fairly simple to use. You download the app, charge the wellness monitor, and then pair the two together so they can talk to each other. It automatically tracks things like steps, exercise, and sleeping. You enter the food you eat via your computer or your smartphone. You can watch the information change real time and see what y0u need to do each day to meet your goals. I love the convenience of being able to enter my food information whether I’m at home or not and I found that seeing the information change throughout the day really motivated me.   The only thing that took some getting used to was the fact that the monitor needs to be on your arm 23 hours a day.  While it doesn’t need to be tight, it does need to be close enough for the monitors to read  your body.  I’m not used to having something wrapped around my arm all day but I’m sure with constant use, it would become less noticeable.  You do need to have a subscription to the site in order to log in and track your information. All in all, definitely an easy way to monitor your health when you’re busy.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

6 thoughts on “How to monitor your health when you’re busy”

  1. I have never seen something like this before. I agree, a great Christmas gift for someone determined to get healthy in the new year!

  2. I really like this idea of the WELLNESS MONITOR.  I never saw one like this that has so many features and track so much.  It would be interesting to have and see how well we are taking care of ourselves.

  3. That is quite cool! I would actually use something simple like this because I would always have the means to upload my food no matter where I am! I love that it auto tracks sleep and exercise too. That is very helpful. 


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