Healthy Teenage Grooming Habits

Last Updated on January 24, 2024 by Ellen Christian

Well it has finally happened. My son graduated high school and has a full time job. One of the things we had to work on once he became a teenager was adopting healthy teenage grooming habits. 

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Healthy Teenage Grooming Habits

If you’ve had a teenage son, I’m sure you’re familiar with the challenge of getting them to adopt regular, healthy habits. Showering, shaving and clean clothes every day were all things that we’ve had to encourage him to be aware of. Now that he has a real full time job, these healthy teenage grooming habits are even more important.

  • Shower daily. Rampant hormones, heat and physical labor can all contribute to body odor. It’s important that teenage boys and girls shower regularly to remove odors and bacteria.
  • Remember antiperspirant and deodorant. All the showers in the world won’t be enough in some cases. Using antiperspirant or deodorant daily is important to control odors.
  • Clean clothes. This comes along with learning how to do laundry. Planning ahead will let your teenager have their favorite clothes clean on the days they want to wear them. This is even more important now that he has a full time job.
  • Shaving regularly. Teenagers often haven’t developed even growth of facial hair. In some cases, there are still patches that are thicker or thinner than others. Remembering to shave and trim these areas will let your teen have a neater appearance.

One of the ways to encourage your teen to adopt healthy habits is to let them help pick out the products they use. My son has always loved products by AXE so when I shop I make sure to pick up his favorite scents. He is more likely to use the products if they’re ones that he likes.

How to encourage healthy teenage grooming habits

Teenage grooming

Another way to encourage healthy teenage grooming habits is to watch for celebrity endorsements from celebrities he admires. There’s a reason why advertising works. Teenagers (and other people) admire athletes and celebrities. They’re more likely to drink a beverage, buy a t-shirt or use a shaving product when it’s endorsed by someone they admire. I’m not saying you should indulge in all of the celebrity recommendations you see but when it’s a healthy habit, I’m definitely willing to buy a different brand based on who he admires.

Dale Earnhardt Jr. is teaming up with Walmart to help shoppers get legendary looks with the best grooming products made for the modern man. With AXE, Degree, Dove Men+Care, and Suave Men Heritage in your grooming regimen, you will always look like a winner.

20 thoughts on “Healthy Teenage Grooming Habits”

  1. My oldest is almost a teenager and it is such a struggle to get him to realize he needs to take his grooming habits more seriously! I just can’t get him to remember the deodorant! It’s a challenge we are still working on. 

  2. I can’t believe how much my son has already started to change and he is only 9! I am going to be talking to him about all of these things sooner than I expected I think. Thanks for the great information!

  3. I know my little boy won’t be little forever. These are great tips that I definitely agree with! My friends son has just started using Axe — he’s 11. He is starting to care about his appearance and it’s pretty cute. Thanks for sharing! 

  4. My son is only 6, so I don’t have to worry about this too much yet. I’m glad to know that when he hits those years, there’s something out there that will keep him looking and feeling great!

  5. Good call on the Axe! My son is almost 11 and starting to care about his appearance. My daughter takes 30 mins or more on hair. Poor kid! lol


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