Talking About Domestic Abuse

Last Updated on February 7, 2024 by Ellen Christian

When I was 18 and newly married, I was walking past our local library when I saw something that literally changed my life. There was a man standing over a woman who was laying on the ground and he was hitting her. My first impulse was to yell at him to stop before I called the police. Thankfully he stopped, but what really changed me was that there were other people on the street that saw him and did nothing. Nothing at all.

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17 Reasons You Should Be Talking About Domestic Abuse - Domestic abuse facts

17 Reasons You Should Be Talking About Domestic Abuse

Why is domestic abuse something we aren’t talking about? Why is it something we’re turning away from rather than doing everything in our power to make it stop? Hopefully, these domestic abuse facts will empower people to do something to help.

Domestic Abuse Facts

  1. 1 in 4 women will experience domestic abuse at some point in their lives.
  2. Both men and women can be victims of domestic assaults.
  3. More than 60% of domestic abuse occurrences happen at home.
  4. Women ages 18 to 34 are most likely to become victims of domestic abuse.
  5. More than 3 million children experience domestic violence in their homes every year.
  6. There are 1500 shelters for abuse victims in this country. There are 3800 animal shelters.
  7. A woman is beaten by her husband or partner every 15 seconds in the United States.
  8. 25% to 45% of women who are abused are pregnant
  9. Boys who witness domestic abuse are twice as likely to abuse their partners when they grow up.
  10. Women with disabilities are 40% more likely to be victims of domestic abuse.
  11. Only 25% of physical assaults against women are reported to police each year.
  12. 19% of domestic violence includes a weapon.
  13. 2 million injuries are caused each year by domestic violence.
  14. 74% of Americans know someone who has been a victim of domestic abuse.
  15. Most female victims of domestic abuse were previously abused by the same person.
  16. The National Domestic Violence Hotline receives an average of 22,000 calls each month.
  17. 3 or more women are murdered by their boyfriends or husbands each day.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and you can Go Purple (the color of Domestic Violence Awareness) by visiting any Verizon store or going online to purchase exclusive purple accessories, like a headset, phone or tablet case, and HopeLine® from Verizon will donate $1, up to $100,000, to the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

Verizon donates wireless phones through the HopeLine program, complete with minutes and text messaging, to domestic violence shelters and non-profit organizations for use by victims and survivors. Through the HopeLine program, Verizon has donated millions of dollars, thousands of phones and numerous resources to the domestic violence prevention and awareness movement.

Take action against domestic violence by helping HopeLine reach its goal of 1 million phone donations by the end of 2015. Simply drop off your wireless phones, chargers and accessories, from any carrier, at a Verizon store and help support victims and survivors of domestic violence. Please share these domestic abuse facts with others.


58 thoughts on “Talking About Domestic Abuse”

  1. I learned that  1 in 3 women, 1 in 4 men and more than 3 million children in the United States are impacted by domestic violence. So Sad!!!

  2. I learned that Verizon is taking action against domestic violence and is making donations to non profit domestic violence organization to try and put an end to this cruel part of reality

  3. I learned about Verizon’s new program, Hope Line, for domestic violence victims. Have some old phones I plan to donate!

  4. I didn’t realize that Verizon had a program called HopeLine. That is SO awesome that they are trying to be proactive! Too much violence happening. This is wonderful!

  5. I learned about the HopeLine program – hadn’t heard of it before, how they donate phones and offer grants for nationwide domestic violence organizations and programs.

  6. I learned that Verizon donates wireless phones to local domestic violence shelters, and non-profit organizations, that’s wonderful. 🙂

  7. I learned that HopeLine takes unused wireless phones and accessories and turns them into resources to help domestic violence victims. 

  8. HopeLine provides ways for individuals to take action against domestic violence by donating no-longer-used wireless phones to them

  9. I learned that HopeLine has donated hundreds of thousands of phones and awarded millions of dollars in cash grants to non-profit organizations and agencies since 2001.

  10. I learned that Verizonz’s HopeLine program provides ways  to take action against domestic violence by donating no-longer-used wireless phones/accessories in any condition from any service provider & they turn these resources into support for domestic violence organizations & programs nationwide.

  11. I learned that HopeLine provides ways for individuals to take action against domestic violence by donating no-longer-used wireless phones and accessories in any condition from any service provider

  12. I learned about HopeLine and how donated phones are used for those in need for safe line of communication to family, loved ones and employers

  13. I learned the following about this wonderful program.  HopeLine provides ways for individuals to take action against domestic violence by donating no-longer-used wireless phones and accessories in any condition from any service provider.

  14. Hopeline takes any cell phone from any carrier, including batteries accessories and chargers and gives monetary help and working phones to those who have been affected by domestic violence.

  15. Verizon has a great new program called HopeLine that support for domestic violence organizations and programs this is awesome!

  16. I learned Verizon provided a $70,000 grant last year to the Ohio Domestic Violence Network. Ohio is my home state and also home to a close family member who has endured domestic abuse. It is a topic very dear to my heart and thanks so much for highlighting its importance.

  17. I learned that Verizon  has a great new program called HopeLine that support for domestic violence organizations and programs,  Sounds like a great idea!    Thanks 


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