Adding a New Cat to your Home #CuriousCat

Last Updated on September 12, 2020 by Ellen Christian

This post on adding a new cat to your home has been sponsored by BlogPaws Pet Blogger Network for Royal Canin. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Royal Canin , but Confessions of an Overworked Mom only shares information I feel is relevant to my readers.

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My life would not be complete without our cats.  I cannot remember a time in my life when I haven’t had some sort of pet.  I love animals so much that I have a pet sitting business in our town so I can enjoy other people’s pets too.  Adding a new cat to your home isn’t something to be done without some serious thought.  Most cats react quite well to a new owner and a new home but you cannot know for certain what will happen until it’s done. All three of our cats had some adjustment to make when they became part of our lives.

Adding a new cat to your home #CuriousCat

Adding a New Cat to your Home

Most cats are territorial and unlike dogs, they do not generally live in packs.  Many cats will adjust more easily to a new home if they are the only cat in the home.  If you are bringing a cat into a home that already has a cat, many times it’s easier to add a kitten than a mature cat. Many cats will attack the new cat or hide and refuse to come out when a new cat is present.  Male cats may mark their territory by peeing on blankets and furniture.

Adding a new cat to your home #CuriousCat

If you want to introduce an adult cat into a home that already has a cat in it, a lot will depend on the personality of the cats involved.  Some cats are mellow and easy going.  Others are high strung and require more maintenance. When you bring home your new cat, confine him in one room where the other cat is not allowed.  Make sure that he has his own food, water and litter box. After a few days, set their food bowls on each side of the closed door and allow them to get used to each other while eating. After a few days, allow them to meet but make sure you monitor the situation closely. If you see any fighting, hissing or bad behavior, separate them again and try again in a few days.

Adding a new cat to your home #CuriousCat

Before you bring the new cat into your home, consider the type of food that he will need.  Depending on the cat’s age and health, he may need a different type of cat food than your current cat. Did you know that 95% of those who have several cats feed them the same food regardless of age, gender or breed? Founded by a veterinarian in 1968, Royal Canin has more than 40 years of experience in delivering individualized nutritional solutions. The Royal Canin product line offers a range of diets based on size, age, breed, lifestyle and special needs. Royal Canin diets are available at veterinary hospitals and pet specialty stores nationwide. Download a $7.00 off coupon for Royal Canin today.

Adding a new cat to your home #CuriousCat

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23 thoughts on “Adding a New Cat to your Home #CuriousCat”

  1. My daughter introduced a second cat to her home within the last month. She had to give hormones to her first kitty to calm her down. She still growls at him but it’s sleepily. ;0  I’ll have to clue her in to this site though so she has options with their dietary needs.

  2. Thanks for the tips. Members of the family deserve high quality foods as well and the newly introduced cats will enjoy a long, healthy life together!

  3. My German Shepherd (a complete cat hater) is coming to the end of her years. Not sure what direction we will go with as far as pets after she passes… possibly a cat.

  4. Your cats are beautiful and I enjoyed reading about how to introduce new cats to one another. I’ve not heard of this cat food so will need to check it out further.

  5. your kitties are gorgeous!!  we have always had just one cat— until this fall, when we got 2 kittens together.  we haven’t had to deal with the territorial thing “yet”

  6. Aww first off your cats are gorgeous. Love these photos. I also have 3 wonderful cats that I adore. Thanks for these great tips!

  7. Gorgeous cats!!! I would love to have one, but I am super allergic. But, our house wouldn’t be the same without our dogs — that’s for sure!

  8. Your cats are so pretty, Ellen! We have had some adjustment with each of our cats too. But we are so happy to have them as part of our family. 

  9. Thank you for the great tips. My life would not be near as much fun without my cat next to me while I work every day.

  10. Such gorgeous kitties!  We have 3 and the youngest was added a year ago.  He’s still a terror, but we love him.  All of them are strays we’ve adopted into our home. 

  11. We have three cats, and really wish I could have a few more. My heart always breaks when I go to the Humane Society! We foster kittens, so at least I can help a little…but I want them all! LOL!

  12. Your kitties are so cute! I love cats too, and we have three indoor cats. We just adopted two new ones last year, and they were brother and sister, so they are very friendly and affectionate with each other. Our cat gets along with them, but doesn’t really have anything to do with them. LOL He is like the grumpy old man rolling his eyes at two hyper little kids! 

  13. Thank you so much for the tips.  My 6 year old wants a cat more than anything.  We are working on Daddy since he isn’t a big animal in the house kind of person.  She’ll wear him down eventually 🙂

  14. I love when you post about your cats. They are all so pretty. For some reason I just adore calico cats. My kids want a kitty so badly but we have dogs. 

  15. My daughter is allergic to cats but we still “adopt” the neighbor cat from time to time when he sits outside the door asking for attention. We just make sure we wash up really well afterwards!

  16. You have really beautiful cats!! We don’t have any cats just 1 dog, but maybe one day we will get one!! I will share with all the cat owners I know! 


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