Can You Grow Baby’s Breath in Your Garden

Last Updated on May 15, 2022 by Ellen Christian

Can you grow Baby’s Breath? I love gardening. And, I love growing new plants. But, I’m always hesitant to try something new. 

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Baby’s Breath was once thought of as a filler flower and even a weed, but as the farmhouse trend gains popularity, this once ignored flower is making a comeback!

Can You Grow Baby's Breath in Your Garden Easily?

Can You Grow Baby’s Breath

Baby’s Breath is light, airy, and even romantic even. And, it shouldn’t be ignored. Keep reading for some helpful tips on how to grow baby’s breath in your garden. And, see how simple this farmhouse flower can be to grow and enjoy!

How do you grow Baby’s Breath from seed?

You can grow Baby’s Breath from seed, but starting with seedlings is ideal. Because baby’s breath can spread quickly, planting from seedlings allows you to better space your plants and have greater control over where they bloom.

Another benefit of planting seedlings directly in the ground is that baby’s breath doesn’t do well when transplanted. If you grow your own seeds indoors, moving them outside could prove to be an issue.

Baby's Breath flowers

Baby’s Breath water requirements

Baby’s breath doesn’t do well with “muddy feet.” The plant needs its roots to stay hydrated but never soggy.

Baby’s breath isn’t too particular otherwise, meaning you can plant it in rocky and even sandy areas. Just be sure the area doesn’t retain standing water or remain muddy after a sprinkle.

a tight cluster of white flowers

How long does it take Baby’s Breath to grow?

You might be tempted to crowd plants at first, in hopes of achieving a full and lush blooming space. Be patient and avoid this temptation.

Once they start blooming, baby’s breath will really take off. Because of this, you should space your plants at least 3 feet apart so they have room to stretch and grow safely.

Can You Grow Baby's Breath in Your Garden Easily?

Is Baby’s Breath easy to grow?

You may have seen baby’s breath growing on country roadsides with vigor, and there is a reason for that. Baby’s breath loves full sun without any obstructions.

If planting baby’s breath in your yard, you should look for a full sun spot that gets at minimum 6 direct hours of sunlight per day. Otherwise, you might not get as many blooms.

Check out these flowers that can take full sun all day long. Add a few of them to your garden this year.

garden stakes

Offer your plants support

Baby’s Breath tends to grow quite tall, and the blooms can become heavy. Because of this, it is smart to offer them some support. Stakes can be used to help your plants stand strong and avoid breakage. Stake your plants while they are young, instead of waiting until they are full grown. By this time, they may be damaged if not already staked.

garden soil

Should I fertilize my plants?

Baby’s Breath tends to like growing in the wild, which is a clue to how much fertilizer or plant food they need. There is no reason to give your baby’s breath regular fertilizer feedings, in fact, it could do more harm than help. Instead, focus on providing well-draining soil that is on the dry side. So, while your baby’s breath will enjoy regular waterings, you don’t need to keep the soil moist at all times. Baby’s breath will do well with one inch or so of water per week and loves to dry out in between waterings.

Can you grow baby's breath in your garden easily?

What pests will bother my plants?

Baby’s Breath can be prone to ants. Unless you are cutting the blooms to bring them indoors, the ants don’t cause much of an issue. If the pests bother you, simply pick off by hand or use a gentle homemade pest repellent such as a mix of dish soap and water.

How to grow Baby's Breath in the garden easily and tips for cutting

How to cut Baby’s Breath

When you are ready to pick Baby’s Breath, simply snip the stems a few inches above the base of the plant. Blooms can be displayed as is or you can hang them to dry. You will know that the blooms are dry and ready for crafting when they have a crispy, paper feel to them. Just handle with care, as once the blooms are dry they can easily fall apart and shed.

Are you ready to grow Baby’s Breath in your own garden? Try adding this plant to your flower beds, landscaping, or cutting garden. The bright white blooms are simple but elegant, and can add beauty to any bouquet or when displayed on their own! Baby’s Breath is a great choice for a rustic garden.

Love gardening? Learn when to plant spring bloom bulbs in the fall. Or, learn how to make cut roses last longer.

Finally, check out these ways to decorate with Baby’s Breath by The Kitchn. Or, check out the video.

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