Best Heavy Metal Cleanse and Detox Program to Support Health

Last Updated on September 18, 2022 by Ellen Christian

Have you ever wondered what the best heavy metal cleanse and detox program was? I’ve heard a lot about heavy metals and how they are bad for you. We’re exposed to a variety of different heavy metals from lead to mercury and cadmium. Sometimes that exposure comes from air or water pollution. Other times, it comes from foods or medicines. 

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Best Heavy Metal Cleanse and Detox Program to Support Health

Best Heavy Metal Cleanse

Too many heavy metals can cause a variety of health issues including low energy, allergies, damage to vital organs, and neurological problems. Despite healthy eating habits, it can be beneficial to use a 21-day detox program to reset your body. Not all detox programs will help to remove heavy metals. And, not all detox programs will help support your body’s health while you use them. Here are a few things to look for:


While you’re on a 21-day detox program, your body will be working to eliminate toxins, heavy metals, and allergens from your system. The primary way this happens is through elimination. You will need to keep your diet light during the process to aid in elimination. It’s important that the program you choose encourages you to eat lightly during the process. Added fiber powders or supplements during this time are important as well.

Best Heavy Metal Cleanse and Detox Program to Support Health


As your body works to eliminate harmful toxins from your body, it’s important that the detox program you use supports your body by adding back needed vitamins, minerals, fats and nutrients that are important for maintaining optimal health. You’ll want a multivitamin that contains active vitamins rather than inactive ingredients.


Some detox programs encourage you to not eat while you’re on them. Starving your body of needed superfoods is not the way to go. Not only are you more likely to give up, but your body needs healthy foods as it tries to repair itself. Look for a detox program that contains fermented ingredients.

Best Heavy Metal Cleanse and Detox Program to Support Health

Dr. Colbert’s 21 Day Detox contains an Enhanced Multivitamin, Fermented Green Supremefood, Living Chia with Probiotic, and Fermented Protein Superfood. Following this program will help your body repair itself and rebuild your health. You’ll also gain awareness of how your body reacts to different types of foods.

How to remove heavy metals from your body naturally

During Dr. Colbert’s 21 Day Detox, you’re encouraged to drink plenty of water, keep active and eat healthy foods from the included shopping list. There are several recipes that are included you can use as well. If you want more healthy recipes, his website has several more along with many healthy living articles to inspire you.

Best Heavy Metal Cleanse and Detox Program to Support Health

While you’re on the program, you will take two multivitamins in the morning and two in the evening. You will take a scoop of the Fermented Green Supremefood (with or without the Living Chia with Probiotics) 30 minutes before breakfast.

Then, you will take a scoop of the Living Chia with Probiotics at bedtime. The Fermented Protein Supremefood is taken once a day in cold water or non-dairy milk. There’s a list of heavy metal detox foods to support this cleanse to help naturally detox your body.

My thoughts

I love that these products are all gluten free. The Fermented Protein Supreme Food is USDA Organic, vegan, non-GMO and soy free. The Fermented Green Supremefood is USDA organic, dairy free, non-GMO, and soy free. The Living Chia with Probiotics is USDA organic, vegan, and non-GMO.

I found the program very easy to follow so far. I mixed the morning drink with orange juice and it tasted pretty good. You can really mix it with any beverage or you can toss it in the blender with your favorite morning smoothie and have it that way.

So, I did the Fermented Green Supremefood with the Living Chia with Probiotics to save time but you can do them separately if you prefer. And, I found it really easy to start my morning this way. I just sat outside on the stairs and enjoyed the quiet before anyone woke up.

Best Heavy Metal Cleanse and Detox Program to Support Health

I also like that you can really eat a huge variety of healthy foods. There are recipes with meat or vegetable based recipes using beans and lentils. Snacks are healthy fruits, vegetables, and nuts. You’re encouraged to add in extra detox foods like artichokes, green tea, kelp, turmeric, greens, and lentils so you can make lots of different recipes.


Best heavy metal detox cleanse

For those interested in supporting their health and resetting their body, I really feel that this is the best heavy metal detox cleanse. Of course, you are also detoxing allergens and other things your body doesn’t need. Dr. Colbert is an MD and America’s #1 doctor for faith and medicine.

He has written over 40 books on a variety of health topics including Let Health Be Your Medicine. He is a frequent guest with John Hagee, Joyce Meyer, Keneth Copeland and other leaders in the body of Christ. Don Colbert, M.D. has been featured on The Dr. Oz Show, Fox News, ABC World News, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, BBC, Readers Digest, News Week, Prevention Magazine, and many others.

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Save 10% OFF on Dr. Colbert’s 21 Day Detox Package

2 thoughts on “Best Heavy Metal Cleanse and Detox Program to Support Health”

  1. Thanks for all the great information on heavy metal detox programs. It was something I was curious about but hadn't had a lot of time to research.

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